Thu, Jun 8, 2023 5:02 AM
Paul Charman
With the pace of work slowing for winter, contractors at the site of the Te Ara o Te Ata (Mt Messenger Bypass) have created a good foundation for work to continue in the summer season.
There had been significant milestones in the past few months including the certification of the project’s innovative cableway, Te Ara o Te Ata spokesperson Caleb Perry said.
“It’s great to have the cableway completed, so the Mt Messenger Alliance can make a fast start to works in the next construction season, starting in September.
“The cableway, which can carry up to 20 tonnes, rises to 64 metres at the highest point from the valley floor. It helps the project to tread lightly on the land – one of the main priorities. It helps to minimise the impact of the project on the surrounding environment.”
The team has been using the cableway over the past few weeks – transporting workers and materials, even large machinery such as excavators.
“In addition to our goal of building a safer, more reliable and more resilient stretch of road, restoration and environmental protection is very much at the forefront of the project,” Caleb said.
“We’re excited about the major environmental benefits this project will deliver and we’re grateful for this opportunity to breathe new life into the Mt Messenger bush.
“The project’s enduring pest management commitment over 3,650 hectares is part of a broader environmental programme which seeks to leave the area in a better condition than its current state.”
Caleb said the programme would also deliver large areas of restoration planting to offset the native vegetation removed to build the road, and lessen the effects of construction on the local ecology.
“Thirty-two hectares of forest, wetland and riparian planting will be undertaken, comprising approximately 120,000 plants. A further 100,000-plus plants will be planted along the roadside margins and embankments, with all seedlings grown from locally sourced seed.”
The project’s pest control programme has also been making great strides.
Between August last year, when the programme launched and March this year, more than 70km of a targeted 250km of pest management tracks have been created, and 850 bait stations have been installed in damaged forest around the new section of SH3.
In addition, more than 170 wild goats have been culled from the project area and the adjacent Parininihi block.
Project lead ecologist Roger MacGibbon said predators such as rats, stoats and possums had seriously impaired the mature native forest surrounding the route of the future 6km bypass, and the wildlife that lives in that habitat.
“Our pest management programme will support the forest’s recovery from this damage and provide an environment where threatened species such as kiwi, fern birds, kōkako and long-tailed bats can thrive once more.”
The achievements to date will be enhanced further this winter (from July) with an aerial application of 1080 over the project area and the nearby Parininihi block, in a joint operation with the Department of Conservation.
DOC routinely carry out similar operations and has undertaken aerial pesticide operations over this area in previous years. The upcoming operation followed engagement with the community and with landowners.
For every significant tree removed, the project will plant 200 seedlings of the same species.
After completion, stormwater runoff from the road will be treated using constructed wetlands along the route.
Through these environmental efforts Waka Kotahi and Ngāti Tama aim to achieve significant improvements in biodiversity within 10 to 15 years of completing the bypass.