Thu, Aug 3, 2023 5:00 AM

Kāwhia hall under new management


Staff Reporter

A MANAGEMENT change at the Kāwhia Community Centre was formalised with the adoption of new Ōtorohanga District Council fees and charges last week.

The management change followed complaints from a delegation to the Kāwhia Community Board in March.

Organiser of the Move Your Tinana festival Nin Duggan spoke about access, affordability and concerns about the booking process.

Until recently the hall was managed by volunteers, and none of the details about bookings and fees were available on the council website, along with the district’s other halls.

The new fees are $40 (up to 4 hours) and $80 (full day), which excludes use of the kitchen.

Not for profit community groups will pay $20 and $40 respectively.

Night-time hire is $160, which includes the day for setting up, and full use of the kitchen and supper room.

It will cost $20 to hire the supper room and $50 to hire the kitchen.

A refundable bond of $200 will be charged for bookings.

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