Thu, Nov 2, 2023 5:00 AM
Sigrid Christiansen
MANIAPOTO Combined Choir – comprising 22 talented young King Country singers – won the judge’s heart at a recent children’s choral festival in Hamilton.
‘Kids Sing,’ held on October 26 at Southwell School, attracted songbirds from all around the Waikato.
The local students, aged 6-12, came from Benneydale, Āria, St Joseph’s, Te Kūiti Primary and Centennial Park schools, alongside several home-schooled students.
Coming from small rural kura did not hold the students back.
“They learned that they are as good as anyone, or better,” said musical director and vocal tutor Beth Dalton, who is director of the Waitomo Caves Choir and a member of Voices Aotearoa New Zealand choir.
The tamariki arrived in typical King Country attire.
“We never discussed footwear – and one of the kids came in Redbands. So, we just performed in bare feet, and I don’t know or care if anyone noticed,” Beth said.
“That is normal in kapa haka, which is the kind of music they most often participate in.”
The country kids had been somewhat shocked by the scale of the facilities at Southwell’s Performing Arts Centre, very different to their familiar cosy school environments.
Beth said students benefitted from watching the other schools perform, as well as singing themselves – this was “very valuable” for their musical development.
Each group presented three songs.
The MCC’s choices were the traditional round Ah Poor Bird; Tuatara Blues by New Zealand composer Felicity Williams, and the Māori language hymn, E Te Ariki, composed by Wiremu Pātene in the 1800s.
The local group had chosen to attend for the experience and not enter as competitors.
However, they were acknowledged with two awards: Spirit of the Festival and Adjudicator’s choice.
The students had rehearsed from August, practicing at St Joseph’s Catholic School for an hour once a week.
Beth is grateful to the community members who donated their time, resources and money – especially the principals of smaller schools at Āria and Maniaiti/Benneydale, who brought their children into Te Kūiti personally.
“If it hadn’t been for their hard work and commitment, we wouldn’t have been able to do it.”
MCC will be performing again at the Maniapoto Cultural Festival, and as part of Titiwai children’s choir this year in the Waitomo Caves Choir’s Christmas concerts.
Kids Sing is held by the New Zealand Choral Federation, and adjudicated by singing expert Megan Flint, co-author of Hear Our Voices, a handbook for leaders of children’s choirs.