Thu, Dec 21, 2023 5:00 AM

Police Desk


Staff Reporter

Acting Police Sergeant Russell Thorpe says there has been an uptick in reports of shoplifting in  Te Kūiti and Ōtorohanga, so businesspeople should be vigilant.

“We would like to wish everyone in the King Country a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, but please think twice before drinking and driving,” Russell said.

“We hope everyone will remain safe to enjoy the Christmas/New Year period and remember that we are only a phone call away should you need us.”

Police were called to six family harm incidents last week.

December 13

A man who apparently stopped at Tiffany’s Cafe at 1.34pm on his way through town, was arrested and given a formal warning following a complaint of disorderly behaviour.

December 14

Shortly after 5.25pm, an aggravated robbery took place at Waitomo Te Kuiti, on Rora St.  An unidentified man entered the service station dressed in black and carrying a large machete-type weapon. He demanded cash and cigarettes from a store worker, leaving with the items in his possession shortly after entering the premises. One unconfirmed report said the alleged offender was seen leaving Hinerangi Street in a yellow hatchback-type vehicle. Police are following lines of inquiry.

December 17

A car was broken into in Hospital Road and a number of items taken from it. These included a bank card later used to purchase items at the BP Station.

December 11

An altercation took place in Phillips Ave, with a woman allegedly screaming at other residents of the street.  She was charged on five counts, including disorderly behaviour, burglary and threatening to kill. She will appear at the Hamilton District Court on January 11.

December 16

At 10.37am, a car and a motorcycle were involved in a head-on collision on 45-degree bend on SH31. The motorcycle rider, who police said received quite severe injuries, was airlifted to Waikato hospital though his condition was expected to improve. Excessive speed was likely a factor in the crash.

Police received reports of six shoplifting incidents and attended six family harm incidents.

December 17

Police said a King Country resident who was severely injured in a road crash on State Highway 29, then taken to Waikato Hospital for treatment, has since died.

The incident involved an Austrian tourist who allegedly attempted to park a vehicle on the wrong side of the road facing oncoming traffic, just before the crash happened. A driver from one of the cars was arrested and has initially been charged with dangerous driving causing injury.

Taumarunui police attended 18 family harm incidents last week.

December 14

Police warned a male for his erratic riding of a motorbike. A complaint was made about a vehicle passing another in a section of road works.

Shoplifting of meat was reported from a local business.

A blue quad bike was taken from a Tarringamotu Rd address.

December 15

Police warned a female for the possession of a meth pipe.

A door window was smashed on a vacant house.

Two males were arrested for disorderly behaviour.

December 16

Police recovered cannabis plants at one of the family harm incidents they attended.

A young person was spoken to for throwing stones at the trains.

Police stopped a vehicle that had turned away from a checkpoint. The driver was found to be over the legal drink-drive limit.  

December 17

Four family harm incidents were attended, at one a number of cannabis were found growing.

A petrol drive-off was reported.

Prescription drugs were taken from a residential address.

King Country News
King Country News, King Country Farmer and the King Country App are independently owned and published by Good Local Media Ltd – also publishers of the Te Awamutu News, Cambridge News and Waikato Business News.